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4 Ways to Maintain Your Fitness when You’re Super Busy

Many of us take the new year as an opportunity to change something in our lives. Some of us set up resolutions and others simply get the needed gear and try to implement some new habits. For a lot of people...

How to Preserve your Health If You Are a Hairdresser

Most of the trouble certain jobs require goes unnoticed by the rest of us, especially those that involve any work in the beauty industry. Have you ever wondered how much strain it takes to flawlessly crop...

Proof of Male Grooming in Ancient Egypt

We all know that ‘Male Grooming’ is a massive industry, entailing MANY different fashions, techniques, practices and preferences ALL over the world.  When looking for ideas, men often turn to the...

Fashion Month Street Style Overview

As we are about to take a deep dive into our autumnal wardrobes, the fashion industry has been busy serving us unique looks and unavoidable trends for the upcoming seasons. However, fashionistas came fully...

5 Grooming Tips for the Groom-to-Be

Although the big day might be more stressful for the brides in general, it’s not that uncommon for grooms to think carefully about every wedding detail. If you are one of these grooms, follow these tips to...

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A Smart Guide To Beauty Procedures

In the 21st century, beauty has become a commodity. Over centuries, standards of attractiveness have changed, but never have we had so many options at our disposal to conform to them. Beauty truly is in the eye of the...

How to Give Your Skin and Hair a Detox

The world around us, and especially our air and water, has never been more polluted than it is now, and if you add in that we are using far too many products trying to keep our skin and hair looking good, it’s no...

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